UVE Photochemical Derivatisation

Photochemical reactor for the derivatization of aflatoxins
with UV light

Due to the low limit values ​​for aflatoxins in food and the low intrinsic fluorescence of the aflatoxins B1 and G1 , the aflatoxin analysis must be optimized with derivatization. This is done with the UVE photochemically under irradiation with UV light at 254 nm.

The aflatoxins B1 and G1 are thereby hydroxylated and can then also be measured by fluorescence spectrometry. The sensitivity of the measurement increases significantly.

The decisive advantage when using the UVE compared to electrochemical bromination: The water present in the eluent is used as a reagent, neither iodine nor HNO 3  / KBr are required. In addition, the detector does not become dirty and there is no fluctuation in derivatization. The method is accepted by the AOAC, is successfully used in proficiency testing and is used in accredited laboratories worldwide.

Without UVE

With UVE: high signal intensities

LCTech UVE compact

  • The UV lamp is designed to operate for several thousand hours.
  • No toxic reagents necessary because water serves as the reagent.
  • Increase in the fluorescence of the aflatoxins B1 and G1 by UV light.
  • Equivalent to the Cobra cell, but no reagents required.
  • Can be used with any HPLC
  • The HPLC system remains clean and can be used for other methods immediately; no more expensive rinsing.
  • Simple plug & play installation: connect UVE to HPLC and detector and switch on; the device is ready for operation. Handy device: 15 cm wide, 9 cm high, 27 cm deep
  • Various safety devices
  • Inexpensive and low maintenance
  • European CE certificate and DIN ISO certified

Simple and effective

The UVE derivatization module enables the analysis of aflatoxins in the simplest way with HPLC. The reaction is a simple derivatization from B1 to B2a.

The application is uncomplicated and done in just a few simple steps: integrate UVE between the HPLC and the fluorescence detector, switch on the device, done.

Until now, reagents for derivatization had to be added, the photochemical reactor uses the HPLC eluent for this. The HPLC system remains clean and can be used for other methods immediately. Annoying and long rinsing of the system is eliminated.

The confirmation analysis of the aflatoxins B1 and G1 can be carried out by switching off the system without shifting the retention times.

The system is extremely robust and durable.


Muscarella, M. et al., Food Additives and Contaminants, Vol. 26, No. 10, October 2009, 1402-1410, Validation of a confirmatory analytical method for the determination of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in foods and feed materials by HPLC with on-line photochemical derivatization and fluorescence detection

Papadopoulou-Bouraoui A., Stroka J., Anklam E., J., AOAC Int. Vol. 85, No. 2, 2002, 411-416, Comparison of two post-column derivatization systems, ultraviolet irradiation and electrochemical determination, for the liquid chromatographic determination of aflatoxins in food 
FAPAS Proficiency Test 04148 Report, Aflatoxins B & G in Maize, October – November 2009
FAPAS Proficiency Test 04143 Report, Aflatoxins Analysis in Baby Food, July – August 2009
Barricelli M, copper R, Börner B, Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau Spezial, validated method for the simultaneous determination of aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in paprika or chilli spice, September 2010