Immunoaffinity and further Clean-up Columns

Fast and Efficient Sample Clean-up

The LCTech columns are based on immunoaffinity (DONeX on SPE) and are suitable for the clean-up of food and feed samples ready for subsequent analysis. High maximum loading capacities enable a remarkable variety of applications, from baby food to feed.


The used antibodies show a high specificity against the respective mycotoxin. The chromatographic results are excellent without interfering signals and achieve very high recovery rates – even in the most difficult samples.

he immunoaffinity columns are successfully employed for the most diverse matrices in accredited laboratories worldwide. These columns performed well in international interlaboratory trials. Different columns formats offer higher flexibility and optimise sample preparation in the laboratory: The standard columns convince with a long shelf life of 24 month. In addition some of the clean-up columns are available as inexpensive version (Select type) in a 1 mL and 3 mL format. These can be stored refrigerated and have a shelf life of 9 months. SMART clean-up columns are incredibly small. These 3 cm immunoaffinity columns are AOAC compliant. Their use results in markedly reduced solvent consumption and processing time.

Since LCTech produces both antibodies and clean-up columns, comprehensive quality testing throughout the entire manufacturing process ensures high product quality. All clean-up columns are suitable for automated processing and are useful, for example, in the LCTech devices FREESTYLE SPE or FREESTYLE ThermELUTE™.

Aflatoxins B/G

Aflatoxin M1


Aflatoxins are naturally occurring mycotoxins, which are highly toxic for humans and animals. The aflatoxins are produced by mold (e.g. Aspergillus flavus) as primary contaminants in various food and feed stuffs.

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AflaCLEAN M1 Select and AflaCLEAN M1 SMART

Aflatoxin M1 is a derivate of aflatoxin B1, which is taken up by animals via food and then converted into aflatoxin M1. It can be found in milk and dairy products.

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Ochratoxin A


Ochratoxin A is a naturally occurring mycotoxin, which is formed by molds of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium in a wide variety of foods and feeds as primary contamination.

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Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A


Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A are naturally occurring mycotoxins and are formed by fungi when stored in a damp place. They are often found together in many foods and feeds.

Multi-mycotoxin determination

CrossTOX ®

Highly efficient purification of up to 16 regulated and expected mycotoxins in one run. Improve the traditional dilute-and-shoot application with a QuEChERS-based process.
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SPE columns

Glass columns and BioteX (Biotin)

In addition to the immunoaffinity columns, LCTech also offers columns for other SPE applications, such as filled and unfilled glass columns and the BioteX affinity column for vitamin analysis.

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Elufix Florisil prefabricated columns made of glass

As a highly selective adsorbent, Florisil® is used in a variety of ways in preparative and analytical chromatography: purification of pesticides, isolation of antibiotics and alkaloids, analysis of vitamins …

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Other mycotoxins


Deoxynivalenol and zearalenone are naturally occurring mycotoxins that are toxic to humans and mammals. The mushrooms of the genus Fusarium are found mainly on cereals. 

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Matrix of the month

Sample preparation and analysis of mycotoxins

Whether raisins, drinking cocoa or peanut flips, whether aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2, M1 or ochratoxin A, whether manual or automated processing, we will find a solution! 

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