Automated Sample Preparation for Dioxins and PCBs

Sample preparation is one of the most elaborate and time-consuming process steps within PCB and dioxin analysis. Easy-to-use and at the same time reliable automation makes your work in the laboratory much simpler.

The LCTech dioxin systems of the DEXTech product family are suitable for sample preparation for all types of PCB and dioxin analysis:

  • Food and feed samples, such as fish, meat, and fish oil, eggs, vegetable oils and animal feed mixtures,
  • Environmental samples, such as soil, sewage sludge,sediments,
  • Biological matrices, such as blood,
  • Samples that get solid at room temperature, such as PFADs or stearin.

DEXTech Plus

DEXTech Pure

Fast and reliable sample preparation

Sample Preparation with the novel DEXTech Plus 3-column-design is faster than ever. You have the opportunity to configurate according to your requirements, 2 or 3 fractions: The choice is yours.

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The solution for purified fractions

DEXTech Pure is modified in terms of fluidics and methods and thus the perfect solution for customers interested especially in measuring PCBs and dioxins separately or also for customers interested only in PCB analysis.

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DEXTech Heat

DEXTech 16

Causes Every Sample to Melt

Do you have samples that are solid at room temperature, like PFADs or stearin? DEXTech Heat provides constant heating from sample vial to the first column – a fully automated “walk-away” solution without any manual working step.
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Fully Automated PCB and Dioxin Analysis

Get to know the first fully automated sample clean-up system DEXTech 16. 16 samples can be reliably processed unattended in one sequence, around the clock, and even at weekends.
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Columns for PCB and Dioxin Analysis


Ready-To-Use, Easy Handling

Depending on the individual requirements, matrix or desired method, you can equip your dioxin-system with different ready-to-use column set-ups – “just click it”.
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Parallel and Fast Concentration of Your Samples

This vacuum concentrator enables the reliable evaporation of 1 – 26 samples to a low volume – independent of sample number in the rotor. Due to a special developed LCTech sensor, the system stops automatically at the defined volume.
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