Aflatoxin M1

About Aflatoxin M1

Aflatoxin M1 (M = milk) is formed from aflatoxin B1 after ingestion by the feed in the animal organism and is then found in the milk.

LCTech has developed the AflaCLEAN M1 Select and AflaCLEAN M1 SMART immunoaffinity columns specifically for this application . The columns guarantee the best recoveries, even with difficult matrices.

Both column formats are suitable for both manual and automated processing, e.g. B. with the  robot system FREESTYLE SPE .


Sample preparation and analysis

Precise, simple and fast with LCTech products. In the mycotoxin brochure you will find everything related to the topic of mycotoxins.
Find out more here:   Mycotoxin brochure (pdf | 1.6 MB)


AflaCLEAN M1 Select

Immunoaffinity columns for the purification of aflatoxin M1

The AflaCLEAN M1 Select columns are available in 3 mL format. The quality of the columns is so good that even with difficult matrices such as B. baby porridge, best results can be achieved.

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Immunoaffinity columns for the purification of aflatoxin M1

The SMART format of the immunoaffinity columns is ideal for faster processing. With less than 20 minutes, the total manual processing time of a sample is significantly reduced compared to the 3 mL column.
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